wtf is the first song i just wanna know the name of it
wtf is the first song i just wanna know the name of it
what happened to pico roulette?
dang this thing been left in the dump
better than pico's school
pico is too cute stop and i swear i can give you the swf file for the actual game
file:///C:/Users/Lenovo/Downloads/pico-2.swf click go to web adress and it will install. btw idk if it gives you macromedia by itself but i got adobe flash player 10 and it still chooses macromedia
Now its off to america to find a new job! (i finished the game)
what app was this again? btw BEST GAME EVER
Wick editor.
the fuck tho...
if you take alucards key and open the gate, dont kill him, because if you go back there, the key will respawn, and when your gate is opened, click the key icon and your game will break because you cant move anywhere. i sped-ran the game two times i didnt die once and i got all the medals and i didnt realize you could shoot the cops, the car lights, the siren of the cars, and the front of the cars. pretty good game tho!
Joined on 9/14/23